Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It Gets Better

If you’re gay or bi or something in between,
There’s no one who is meaner than a bunch of asshole teens.
Those assholes are the first people that you will soon forget
When you’re living life and learning how much better it can get….
 It gets better!
-Rebecca Dysdale

I just wanted to share with all my trusty followers (that's you, mom and dad) this fabulous and not that new project by Dan Savage (my hero):

It is a website for lbgtq* teens about how though life may SUCK for them now (in high school), things get better.  Life is worth living.  I wasn't a lbgtq teen, I'm not a lbgtq adult and I wasn't particularly picked on in high school (though, to be fair, I did like Hanson and that was worthy of some poking), but high school really does suck I think for everyone. This website is awesome.  There are videos form Obama, the cast of Glee (gay? shocking.), police men and women, ex-military, politicians, regular joe's, current high school students.....the list goes on.  It is totally worth a little browse through of the website.

And, even though I feel like a Dan Savage cheerleader right now, check out his weekly column/podcast ( on relationship and sex advise.  It is about relationships and sex, but I think it is about a lot more.  It is about setting boundaries, being assertive, knowing yourself, being critical of yourself, communicating with your family and with your partner(s) and not being a shitty person.  And he is hilarious....I should qualify that: he is hilarious if you agree with him in general ie if you are a (far) left leaning, sexually and otherwise open person.  Otherwise, you may find him particularly offensive. soz.

Oh, but the point of this whole thing is this:

*Mom, Dad: this means lesbian, bi, gay, trans or queer.....maybe you knew, sorry

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